YesIcandoB2B social business network is seeking cooperation agreements (attached MoU)goverment, non-govermental and trade organizations to deploy fffectively the"customized tablet " as a means to proactively engage business in a Globalized Market.
MoU is a win-win situation . I'm looking forward to your contact
Pierre Grossmann
More Important: it connects with buyers in different parts of the world and systematic advertise their products and services in the international marketplace, selling more rapidly and directly than ever before, expand small business worldwide.
Goverment and Non-profits trade institutions are embracing the power of this network to promote the country, generate revenue without any investment or risk, create impact, leverege political power , promote trade, create jobs and realize many economic benefits for the country.
MoU is a win-win situation . I'm looking forward to your contact
Pierre Grossmann
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Entered into on month day, year
Pierre Grossmann, holder of US Patent 2006/0074845 and partner companies in the project: IBIS CORP – International Bibliographic Information Service Corporation, located at
100 Hilton Ave-unit M23,Garden City NY 11530 , USA , represented in Brazil by PTI - Publicações Técnicas Internacionais Ltda, located at Rua Peixoto Gomide, 209, Postal Code 01409-901 São Paulo - Brazil
100 Hilton Ave-unit M23,
Ref. Program for Generating Revenue for Not-for-Profit Entities:
Content of the Services
Pierre Grossmann at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Pub. Registers or No US 2006/0074845 : Title: Automated user-friendly click-and-search mobile system and method for helping business and industries in foreign countries using preferred taxonomies, a multi-languages controlled vocabulary of a proximity of 400.000 terms describing products, process and services and configured to enable a user to use his native language for constructing an initial query sentence based on subject structure and to obtain a corresponding English Language query to search on a computer network (Google, Google Images, Bing and Yahoo) and for quickly finding relevant industrial information about products and services in each industrial group, and mobile marketing media for helping users to do business in global markets.
PROSPECT understands and expressly agrees that the use of the YesIcandoB2B services for identifying business opportunities in the global markets is for the user’s account and risk, and that the services are provided “in the manner in which they are to be found, according to availability” (such as data files, written text, computer software, music and other audio files, photographs, videos or other images) to which it may have access as part of the services are protected by intellectual property rights.
Specifically the PROSPECT, its subsidiaries, affiliates, franchisers and the YesIcandoB2B network cannot guarantee that the use of the services will meet the user’s requirements. Use of the service will be uninterrupted, punctual, secure and error-free, and any information obtained by the user on account of using the services will be precise and reliable. Defects involving the functioning or functionality of any software supplied to the user as part of the services will be corrected in the event of any failure to function.
1. Objective and scope
1.1 This Memorandum of Understanding – MoU defines the partnership entered into between the PROSPECT and IBIS Corp. Its objective is to obtain revenue from:
1.1.1 Selling annual subscriptions for insertions in the product and services catalog of each user client registered on the YesIcandoB2B network through the intermediary of the PROSPECT. The annual subscription for this insertion is Two hundred United States dollars (USD 200.00).
1.1.2 Advertising revenue from selling a single sponsor/advertiser quota for the PROSPECT YesIcandoB2B – My Business Area Sponsor Advertising is estimated at USD 2 million a year (Two million United States dollars) for the first year’s sponsorship, while renewal of this sponsorship after one year will be for an amount to be evaluated according to the use and appreciation of the Within this partnership agreement IBIS Corp agrees to equal shares of all net advertising revenue received in each period.
2. Responsibility attributed to Ibis Corp
2.1 To use the click-to-find and matchmaking search services on the web site, collectively known as the “services”, users must first register on the system and agree with the Terms of Use before making any use of the service provided by YesIcandoB2B.
2.2 YesIcandoB2B is constantly innovating the services so as to offer users the best possible experience and may, without prior notice, change or cease (permanently or temporarily) to provide a given service or any functionality of a service.
2.3 To provide PROSPECT with the means for approved and secure registrations, so that the user can register their company as indicated by the site, blogs or in printed advertising of the PROSPECT.
2.4 Revenues received from subscriptions for insertion in the product or services catalog of each user client shall be deposited with Ibis Corp. following the transaction to be closed between PayPal and the subscriber via the Internet.
2.5 Revenue obtained from selling YesIcandoB2B – My Business Area Sponsor Advertising sponsorship through a specific agreement between the parties involved, the sponsor, the PROSPECT and IBIS Corp.
3. Responsibility attributed to the PROSPECT
3.1 To add a sponsor to the YesIcandoB2B – My Business Area Sponsor Advertising within ninety (90) days from the acceptance date of this MoU.
3.2 To generate traffic in Brazil and abroad and to universalize free access to all those who register through the relationship site of the PROSPECT with its community using major media resources such as:
a) Advertisements on Internet sites, Blogs, Information Journals that circulate internally or not;
b) Mail Shots;
c) E-mail marketing;
d) Participation in Trade Shows and Seminars;
e) Promotion in local and foreign government agencies;
f) Press Releases;
g) Direct Marketing efforts;
4. Managerial Reports and Payment
4.1 The managerial reports will be available on-line in the administration area of YesIcandoB2b. The closure of each period will be monthly, and the net revenue from the financial transactions occurring during this period and reported through the subscriptions system will be divided into equal parts (fifty per cent each) and made available in United States Dollars by IBIS Corp. to the PROSPECT within 10 business days following approval of the Monthly Closing Report.
5. General Considerations
5.1 This Agreement shall take effect as soon as it is executed by all parties. Amendments to the Agreement may be made at any time under mutual written agreement between the parties. Any of the parties may terminate this Agreement, provided they notify the other party in writing at least one hundred and twenty (120) days in advance. If this agreement is terminated, each party shall be individually liable for payment of any revenue they may have incurred in regard to the termination hereof.
5.2 YesIcandoB2B agrees that the subsidiaries and affiliates of the PROSPECT are entitled to sell the adverts specified in the services to users.
In witness thereof, on (MM DD, AAAA), this Memorandum of Understanding is entered into in two (2) counterparts by and through their legal accredited representatives.
It shall take effect as of execution by the signatories.
Pierre Grossmann, IBIS CORP and PTI
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