segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2012

Your Small Business should consider Global Sales and Global Marketing - The Social Business Network

Build valuable connections with global business leaders in these sub-sectors industry groups :

- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
- Mining
- Utilities
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Wholesale-Trade
- Transportationand Werehousing
- Information
- Finance and Insurance
- Real State Rental and Leasing
- Professional Scientific and Technical Services
- Management Companies and Enterprises
- Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
- Educational Services
- Health Care and Social Assistance
- Arts Enterteinment and Recreation
- Accomodation and Food Services
- Other Services(Except Public Administration)

Register now free- of-charge Pay only US$200 insert your catalog and advertise your of products and services for one year.

sexta-feira, 4 de maio de 2012

"My Business Going International " by the Social Business Network - Tablet application that give entrepreneurs in 214 countries of the world the skills they need to succeed confronting the dire economic situation. - *** Coming Soon ***

Tablet application that give entrepreneurs in 214 countries of the world the skills they need to succeed confronting the dire economic situation.

"My Business Going International " by the Social Business Network

Enable any interested businesses or self-employed to register, free-of-charge,use the Tablet to create a Point-of-Display for selling his products and services in global markets.

Pierre Grossmann
Desenvolvedor da Rede